
Hawaii Time: 09:27 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 75.9 F (24.4 C)

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Maui Valentines Cruise

Adult Price: $84.66 - Members Price: $84.66
Maui Valentines Cruise aboard the Pride of Maui.

We are proud to present our annual Valentine’s Day Cruisehosted aboard Maui’s famous Maxi Catamaran the Impeccable Pride of Maui! With over 1,500 square feet of unobstructed viewing from her sprawling upper deck, you will be mesmerized with your panoramic front row seat.

Tender flat iron steaks are marinated overnight, then cooked right onboard by our chef, whose passion for food is show cased by pairing flavors, textures and color to create a menu which looks and tastes absolutely delicious. Dauphinoise potatoes, classic Caesar salad, and fresh island vegetables will also be served. Finish with chilled fresh fruit, marinated strawberries and Kahlua cream pie, sipping a glass of one of our featured wines, as the sun melts into the golden sea. It just doesn’t get any better.

Live entertainment is provided by one of Maui's finest acoustic masters, Mitch Kepa, playing a variety of Hawaiian music mixed with a splash of good ole rock and roll. Relax under the stars and enjoy his soothing slack key guitar as it drifts across the sea. Get up on your feet with that special someone and dance to Mitch Kepa's up-tempo arrangements.

(This charge will appear as "Hawaii Experts" on your credit card.)

To ensure the safety of our customers, all of our trips are weather dependent. At the captain's discretion, trips may be rescheduled or destinations may be changed to ensure customer safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

To ensure the safety of our customers, all of our trips are weather dependent. At the captain's discretion, trips may be rescheduled or destinations may be changed to ensure customer safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

To ensure the safety of our customers, all of our trips are weather dependent. At the captain's discretion, trips may be rescheduled or destinations may be changed to ensure customer safety, comfort, and satisfaction.
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  • Adult:

Accommodation Information:

Room (if known)
For your safety, trips to our snorkeling destinations are weather-dependent. Please provide 48 hours cancellation notification for a full refund. Less than 48 hours may result in no refund. Cancellations related to travel restrictions and COVID -19, will be fully refunded. Please travel safe and let us know if you have any questions about Hawaii’s Safe Travel policies. To reschedule, call 808-242-0955.
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