
Hawaii Time: 09:15 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 75.9 F (24.4 C)

  • Discover Pearl Harbor!

  • Discover the Hawaiian Aquarium!

  • Island Breeze Luau

  • Waikiki by Trolley

  • Snorkel Eco Adventure!

  • Experience the Aquaball!

  • Explore Hawaii by Raft

  • Relaxing Sunset Sail

  • Tour Hawaii by Air!

  • Ultimate Whale Watch

930 Whale Watch Abay

Adult Price: $120.00 - Members Price: $120.00
Child Price: $60.00 - Members Price: $60.00
Infants Price: $0.00 - Members Price: $0.00
Mahalo for choosing Ocean Sports' Mid-Morning Whale Watch departing from Anaeho'omalu Bay!
What could be more exciting than watching a Humpback Whale spout, swim and breach?! And what could be cuter than seeing a Humpback calf learning about life from his mother? All Ocean Sports Whale Watches include interpretation of the whales' behaviors by our trained naturalists, and we'll even deploy our underwater hydrophone so you can hear the haunting songs of the Humpbacks (weather permitting). The morning light makes for great photos!
This cruise includes refreshing canned soft drinks and individually wrapped bar snacks (due to COVID-19 regulations, snack selection will vary).
Our Mid-Morning Whale Watch is GUARANTEED... see a Humpback or ride again for FREE!
Ocean Sports is a proud contributor to the Hawaii Ocean Stewardship Special Fund, which provides capital support for the conservation, protection, restoration, and management of Hawai‘i’s precious and endangered marine resources.
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  • Adult: Child: Infants:

Accommodation Information:

Room (if known)
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your reservation with us, please do so at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled activity to receive a full refund. If you need to cancel less than 24 hours prior, you'll be charged the full fare. Cancellations on our Catamaran cruises due to weather are at the sole discretion of the Captain. Cancellation terms for blocks or Exclusive Charters may vary as agreed.
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